Clara Doran | Space Age Astronaut Shoot | Atlanta, GA
August 7, 2021
Another studio shoot! I have to say, I have never been one for studio shoots, but they are absolutely growing on me. Clara and I were looking to shoot together and I sent her over a few mood board ideas I had in mind and she chose the fun space-age shoot and I’ve had that one on the back burner for a long time so I was very excited. I tend to have a space theme to a lot of my art so I’m surprised it took me this long to do a space themed shoot! I was a little bit worried about pulling it all together and making it look good but everything came together SO WELL! The colors worked, the shoes fit, the helmet was adorable - it couldn’t have come together better. I’m looking forward to doing some more space themed shoots in the future, but they will be hard pressed to beat how this one turned out.